

Can Handler Dolly for Thorny and Prickly Plants

CH1 CAN HANDLER 1-15 GALLON 2-WHEEL DOLLY 1-15 GALLON CAN HANDLER WITH FLAT FREE TIRES. SECURES CANS IN PLACE DURING TRANSPORT. 400 LB CAPACITY. FOREST GREEN Keep your hands away from thorns, spines, and prickles. This unique 2-wheel dolly will save your skin and hands. The CH1 Can Handler is specially designed for thorny and…


Can Handler Dolly for 1 – 15 Gallon

CH3 Heavy-Duty Can Handler Dolly for 1 to 15 gallon containers The CH3 Can Handler Dolly is a heavy-duty short-design dolly for hauling 1-gallon to 15-gallon containers and buckets. The unique carriage frames the containers so they remain stable during transport. With a 400 Lb capacity and flat-free tires, this dolly will provide you with…


FD3-B 15 Gallon Heavy-Duty Dolly

FD3-B 15 Gallon Heavy-Duty Dolly with Extended Base The unique design of the FD3-B heavy-duty dolly is a perfect fit for round cylinders, containers, barrels, water heaters, or any other item that needs to be centered inside the dolly carriage while being transported. The extended base on the dolly easily slips under large cargo, and…


BOB24-16 Beast of Burden 24″ Dolly

BOB24-16 Beast of Burden Easy-Tilt Landscape Dolly with 16″ lifting plate The BOB24-16 is specially designed for moving boulders, sacks, and general heavy lifting. The Best of Burden design is unique with a clever easy-tilt feature allowing the heaviest of loads to be picked up with ease while leaving both worker’s feet on the ground…